Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Loss of a Loved One

Mickey passed away December 22, 2007. He was the best, most even-tempered dog anyone could hope for and he will be missed terribly. He was my best friend, the only one in the house that ate my cooking regularly and could always be counted on to drop whatever he was doing to pay attention to me at a moment's notice. I loved him and he loved me.

In retrospect, I realize that he was probably feeling sick as long as six months ago. He started having a lot of accidents in the house, but I thought he was just acting out because I went back to work in an office after being home for a while. Now I am mad at myself for being upset with him, since he was not trying in anyway to misbehave, but he had a lot wrong with him. I keep thinking of little things he was doing to alert me to his discomfort and I, in my 'intellectual superiority', thought he was just being naughty. He was whining late at night, not because he wanted me to do something for him, but because he was in terrible pain. I feel absolutely horrible about this now, and how irritated I was with him.

Tuesday, December 18th he was acting very lethargic and sleeping a lot... which I did not think was anything different, the truth of the matter is that Micks was quite a bit overweight and really spoiled... however, later on that night his whining reached new heights. I was up most the night with him, he could not get comfortable and kept crying and roaming around. He wanted to go outside and stay there, it was close to 15 degrees outside but he was shivering with a high fever and couldn't stand it. He was so thirsty but couldn't keep anything down. He hadn't eaten in two days, which is extremely unusual behavior for him. He was terribly weak and sickly and couldn't really walk around. Also his face was very drawn and his sad dog eyes told a story, as did his stationary tail.

So my husband said he could take him to the vet in the morning, if we just worked on getting through the night. Early the next morning he began with the bloody diarrhea and I totally lost my composure. I was horribly, horribly distraught and Steve took him to his appointment an hour early.

They took x-rays and put an IV in his little paw and worked on getting his fever down and rehydrating him since he hadn't kept even water down for a couple days. The x-rays showed a mass in his abdomen in the spleen/liver/pancreas area. This vet said that it was a tumor in his spleen, a simple splenectomy will fix him right up. However, they quoted us a $3500 price for this "simple" surgery.

I started calling around town to see if there was anywhere that could do it for less - and there were, quite a few, but my sister-in-law Kristy, who is a vet tech in Wyoming, said that the operation should only cost about $500-$800. She was ready to do it if I could get him up to her - except that the surgeon at her hospital had already gone on Christmas vacation. Then we had the idea that smaller towns should be able to do it for cheap... and I called Ark Valley Animal Hospital in La Junta, Colorado, where I have a lot of friends and family and could at least have a place to stay. I took Mickey home from the Denver hospital and spent another difficult night of him in pain.

The three hour drive to LJ was heart-wrenching to say the least. He was so thirsty but I could only give him a dribble of water at a time because he could not keep it down. He sat in the passenger side and looked at me sadly with his big brown eyes. He was in so much pain, my poor little puppy. He could only doze off for a couple minutes at a time until he whimpered with pain, and I was completely exhausted myself since I had only been sleeping as much as him.

We arrived in LJ about 2pm on Friday and I took him directly to the hospital. They saw him immediately and I turned in his paperwork and x-rays (that I had on disc), thinking that we would be scheduling his surgery for 10:30am on Saturday.

Dr. Taullie immediately noticed that the other hospital did not follow up on his glucose levels, that were completely off the charts. She said, "well, he's in ketoacidosis," which is essentially the acutely horrific back-side of diabetes type 1. From Wikipedia:

In diabetic patients, ketoacidosis is usually accompanied by insulin deficiency, hyperglycemia, and dehydration. Since insulin is required to absorb glucose from the blood, its deficiency results in an energy crisis, fatty acid metabolism, and production of ketone bodies. Hyperglycemia results in glucose overloading the nephron and spilling into the urine. Dehydration results following the osmotic movement of water into urine, exacerbating the acidosis.

No, we didn't know he was diabetic. Poor, poor, puppy was SO sick.

She worked on rehydrating him and getting him stable to perform surgery and administered insulin. She took him home with her for the night, as the hospital isn't a 24 hour facility. I was feeling rather optimistic at this point.

She called me in the morning and said that his insulin levels are normal now but he still had a sleepness night, and is obviously in pain in the abdomen. She still wanted to operate on him, but in an exploratory manner instead of a simple splenectomy.

"Okay," Says I.

I hurried down to the hospital and sat with him on my lap while they did a little more blood work and prepped him for surgery. I am so glad I got that chance to just hold him and talk to him and breathe in his little doggie smell.

I hung out at the hospital for about an hour before she came out and told me what she had found. His largest problem was a growth in his pancreas, but he also had a lot of things wrong with his intestines, most notably that they had gotten twisted and the lower large intestine was purple and inflamed (hence the bloody diarrhea) and they showed numerous lesions, which are usually evidence of past trauma. Now we had gotten Micks from the pound; when they found him he was roaming free, so we know nothing about his life before that. Poor little guy was likely getting beat up - which is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG since he had the most easy-going personality on Earth.

Incidentally, there was nothing wrong with his spleen.

He was still on the table at this point and she asked if I would like her to try to get a slide out of the growth in the pancreas to take a cursory look and see if the cells appear cancerous. "Of course," I say. I know it wouldn't be the same as having a pathologist look at it, but I know she's gotta know the difference between healthy and cancerous cells.

About an hour later she comes back in and says that the cells don't appear to be cancerous. Which gave me a burst of hope for one split second. Then she went on to say that the growth is taking up so much of his pancreas, that to cut it out would leave a very weak and dysfunctional organ, and wouldn't be the best idea since he's already diabetic; the pancreas is working so poorly already. She said some other things but her message was clear: she could patch him up now but he will always be sick. Terribly, terribly sick. I asked a few questions about what would be involved in taking care of a diabetic dog with a sick pancreas and digestive troubles. Essentially I learned that it would take away everything that Mickey enjoys about life.

I made the horrible, horrible decision to euthanize him.

I drove back to Denver in a tear-stained haze; in fact, I don't really remember it much, and that that I do remember seems to be under water... When I got back home I took several sleeping pills and slept for 36 hours.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Control Can Become...

I was reading a handout from UnitedHealth that discusses different issues within relationships. It's meant as a general guide to "when to seek professional help". When I read the domestic violence portion, I had to stop and do a double-take because one of my very very good friends is currently going through much of this situation. It's something I have been worried about for a while because the significant other is SUCH a controlling personality and my friend is still in the phase of not wanting the relationship to fail. However, I very much hope my friend reads this post and does some thinking about the dangers of being in relationship under these circumstances. Only because I love you, Hon, and I've been in the same boat.

Warning Signs of Domestic Violence

Your partner:

  • Checks up on you a lot, for example, by listening in on phone calls, constantly asking about whereabouts, calling you at work all day, or checking your car mileage
  • Puts you down, for example, by name-calling, constant criticism, public or private humiliation, or making you feel crazy
  • Tries to control you, for example, by telling you not to see certain friends or family members, keeping you away from school or work, making you stay home when you want to go out
  • Acts jealous or possessive and says it’s a sign of love
  • Destroys or threatens to destroy your belongings
  • Threatens to hurt you, friends, children, family members, or pets
  • Threatens to take your children away from you
  • Touches you in ways that hurt or scare you
  • Makes you have sex in ways or at times that are uncomfortable
  • Blames you and other people for everything, and gets angry in a way that scares you or observers
  • Says that your concerns about the relationship are not real or not important

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Today it hit me like a ton of bricks that the one constant in all my unsatisfying and disappointing interpersonal relationships is ME.


Sunday, November 18, 2007


Sweetie, when you grow up are you going to get married?

No. I don’t think so.

Why not? You don’t want to get married to a nice girl and maybe have your own kids?

No, there’s not anybody I can get married to.

So you want to live with Mommy forever?

Yes! Live with Mommy forever!

You will probably change your mind about that when you get older. What do you mean there is nobody you can marry?

Well I can’t marry Moe because she doesn’t ever wear a skirt or a dress so she can’t get married cause you have to wear a dress.

Well, you can’t marry Moe because she’s your sister….

…(as if I hadn’t spoken) and I can’t marry Poo because I don’t want to…

… and she’s also your sister…

… and I cant marry Daddy because he’s too old.

Well okay then, honey… (bemused)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Today's Moment of Zen

I don't usually add anything to Moments of Zen, as the idea behind them is that the picture speaks for itself and is interpreted differently by different people. However, this particular one came in an email from my cousin and the text is one of those cute things that is a bit cheesy but touching nonetheless. I try to live this way and OFTEN need to be reminded of it.

Every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

Life is short. Break the rules; Forgive quickly; Kiss slowly; Love truly; Laugh uncontrollably... And never regret anything that made you smile.

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

From the Mouths of Babes

Poo: Daddy, I know the answer to the question!

Daddy: You do?

Poo: Yes!

Daddy: You know the answer to THE question?

Poo: Yes!

Daddy: The Ultimate Question?

Poo: Yes, Daddy!

Daddy: The meaning of life, the universe and everything?

Poo: YES!

Daddy: Well what is it?

Poo: Love!

Daddy: Well, I guess you do...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Just Asking

Would it matter if I said I miss you so much it’s like having a constant stomachache?

Do you want to hear me say that being without you means I am less than complete?

If I told you I would do anything for the feel of your arms around me, would you do it?

Would telling you that the sound of your voice in my ear makes me the happiest I’ve ever been make a difference?

If I tell you that the scraps you throw me are not enough but better than anything else on earth, would you give me more?

Do you want me to tell you that the smell of you, your eyes, your hair, and the feel of your skin are as close to heaven as I’ll get on earth?

Do you want to hear that you are the closest to happiness I’ll get in this life?

If I extend the invitation, will you accept it?

I didn’t think so.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cuz you got to have friends

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. -Mark Twain

Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue. -Izaak Walton

Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are. -Miguel de Cervantes

You are judged by the company you keep. -Old Saw

Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. -Oscar Wilde

As I get older I don't have time to be friends with people simply because of how they dress or what kind of music they listen to, or what they can do for me. Oh, don't get me wrong - the career I have chosen means that I spend a lot of time pretending people I care nothing about are interesting for the simple reason that they have or may in the future give me money to do what I do. And I accept this process as the way that the world works. However, simply put, those people are not my friends.

I think the number one priority for me is the ability to laugh. All my friends make me laugh. Sometimes they even mean to. There are few things as valuable to me as a good belly laugh.. you know, the kind that makes you throw your head back and do not care how loud you're being. I love that. If I could bottle it, I would stop drinking forever. I love to laugh so hard I can't catch my breath and tears come to my eyes. There has been a period in the not-too-distant past that those kinds of laughs were absent, and I find that so sad. Happily, they've come back on a somewhat regular basis, and mean to ensure that they don't disappear again.

It has occurred to me today that I am truly lucky and blessed by the friends that I have. They are wonderful people and love me for me, not just what I might be able to do for them.
Maybe it's a sign of my own personal (slow) maturation, but even the flaws in people I love have become virtues. Everyone has their own special gifts that often are not tattooed on their forehead but make them special after you discover it.

This one: some might say she's nosy and makes mountains out of molehills, but she can read my mood and understand me from an expression on my face.

That one: some might say that he's a big baby, but that sensitivity is so welcome when my world is falling apart and he knows what to say or do to console me.

Him: has an infuriating way of not talking, but OMG is he the best listener in the world. Plus he always laughs at *my* jokes. Some say he's smug but I think he's spectacularly intelligent.

Next friend: some call her bitchy and confrontational but I see her as fearless and principled and she would fight to the death for me and those she loves.

This fella: yes, he dresses like a dork and he's a good hunnerd pounds overweight but he has the most charming sense of humor and always helps me see the other side of the equation.

She: never takes anything seriously but she helps me see the lighter side when I'm in my moods and she doesn't realize it but she's teaching me how to handle things more rationally.

The other guy: some say he's bordering on scheming but I don't necessarily think telling people things that make them feel good is a bad thing.

This girl: is guilty of long silences but also teaches me to stop and think first.

Yes, I have (one or two) more friends than that, but I think I've made my point. Though a little rain must fall into each and every life, we do have special people to grab our hand and see us through the storm. I love my friends dearly and I am glad that each and every one of them is in my life.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

In Pursuit of Happyness

Maybe we are supposed to meet the wrong person before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.

Maybe when the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has opened for us.

Maybe the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

Maybe it is true that we don't know what we have got until we lose it, but it is also true that we don't know what we have been missing until it arrives.

Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart; but if it does not, be content it grew in yours.

Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone that makes you smile because it takes a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.

There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be; because you only have one life to live and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trial to make you strong, enough sorrow to make you human, enough hope to make you happy.

Always put yourself in others shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person too.

The happiness of other people doesn't necessarily mean they have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


"I fell in love with you the first time I spied you through your bedroom window."

"I'm so glad the restraining order didn't keep you away."

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Great Bunny Invasion of 2007

Captain's Log

Day 1, 0100 hours:

We have been overrun by bunnies. This is definitely a danger of living in an unincorporated part of town that is quickly encroaching on wildlife's natural habitat, especially since the two housecats think they are predators. The first casualty is a small adolescent bunny chased into the house by Maxine, AKA The Terminator Cat. This poor victim, code named Hamartia, suffered greviously at the hands of The Terminator and was rescued by Number One. Number One forgot her years of Academy training when confronted with such inhumanity and panicked at the sight of the gaping wound in Hamartia's side. I took control of the situation and relegated both Hamartia and Number One to Sick Bay for the remainder of the evening.

Day 1, 0800 hours:

Number One left Sick Bay to go about her usual duties, leaving Hamartia in my care. Hamartia is obviously in shock, yet responsive. The bleeding has abated a bit and she is eating lightly.

Day 1, 1300 hours:

Number One has procured the services of a specialist to tend to Hamartia. Her code name is Mahoney and she has provided the young victim with commercial sustenance. Mahoney is an expert bunnyist.

Day 2, 1500 hours:

Hamartia has escaped Sick Bay. She must be aboard somewhere, as she is too small to jump out a window and too large to escape into the ship's ventilation system.

Day 2, 1530 hours:

Hamartia has been located under Number One's bed.

Day 2, 2200 hours:

Having just retired to Captain's Quarters, I was disturbed by The Terminator trying to get behind my bookcase. When I investigated the reason for this behavior, I found that The Terminator had chased another bunny into the house and the poor creature was seeking refuge behind my college Anthropology textbooks. I rescued bunny #2 by locking The Terminator in the john, and releasing bunny #2 back into the suburban wild.

Day 3, 0900 hours:

Number Two discovered two small bunnies hiding in the bushes under her window. This caused a stir and it took a while to get the crew back to their posts. No change in Hamartia's condition, though she remains under surveillance.

Day 3, 1000 hours:

Number Three discovered bunny #5 hiding in the milk box. Another uproar. The Terminator was predictably excited by this development and was again locked in the lavatory.

Day 4, 0130 hours:

The Terminator disturbed Captain's Quarters in the early morning. This time because bunny #6 got herself trapped in the window well and The Terminator was attempting to claw her way to bunny #6 through the glass. The Terminator spent the rest of the night locked in the lavatory.

Day 4, 0800 hours:

Ensign Haberman was dispatched on a rescue mission to retrieve bunny #6 from the ship's window well.

Day 4, 0900 hours:

Hamartia's condition is rapidly deteriorating. She is weak and not eating or drinking. I fear the worst.

Day 5, 0130 hours:

Number One has come to me with distressing news. Hamartia did not live through the night and Number One has again forgotten her years of Academy training.

Though I feel heartbroken over the loss of Hamartia, I recognize the end of The Great Bunny Invasion of 2007 and feel that overall, the lessons and techniques learned by the crew are invaluable.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Blond Wisdom

"Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands."
-Elle Woods
Legally Blond

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bloggety Blog

On' BLOG: When will BLOGGING become last year's fad?

I had to BLOG it. So BLOGGING ironic.

No, but really... it's all relative

My boss suffers from Plantar Fasciitis, which if you don't know is essentially pain in the arch of your foot due mostly to your weight distributing itself unevenly along your foot when you walk and your arch muscles being not quite up to the task. It's actually very common, my mom and two of my aunts have the same thing.

Anyway, he wears orthotics inside his shoes to keep his feet from hurting. He has one pair of shoes that squeak like a mouse with the orthotics inside, something that of course I must tease him about. He's a good 9 years older than me so age jokes are my favorite.

Yeah well age is relative, you know. About 20 minutes after I made fun of him, calling him an old man with his squeaky "orthodontic" shoes (another one of my favorite pastimes; using the wrong word to be silly - GEEK) he walks by my office again while I'm listening to my iPod. He comes around the desk and touches the wheel to see what I am listening to, and Lo! And Behold! totally busts me listening to Joni Mitchell.

S: :| You're listening to Joni Mitchell.
L: :| Yes I are.
S: I thought you'd be listening to Kid Rock or something like that...
L: Hey, actually I really lo-
S: No. No. I do not want to hear it. You have no room to talk. You're not that cool.
L: (shot down) Okay, no I guess I really have no room at all.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Proof of the eclecticism of my iPod

Is it me or do Kenny Rogers and Lionel Ritchie sound exactly the same????

Friday, June 01, 2007

Horrible! Yet Somehow Humbling

The dryer took a crap the other day while the warden was drying a load of his clothes. Stopped spinning and refused to start again. I've been thinking for a while that it was gonna die soon but my thinking was mostly along the lines that since nobody but me cleans out the lint trap, it was going to catch fire and burn the house down. So I guess it could have been worse. Also it had been losing power steadily for the last couple months (but I actually think that if the warden had gotten back there and cleaned out all the years of fuzz, that problem would have gone away).

So.. here I am hanging clothes on a clothesline in the back yard. I hate this because of how rainy the weather has been and I don't think of things like taking down the clothes on the line (why would I) when it starts raining (inevitable, with the way this spring is going). I also hate it because instead of taking 35-40 minutes to dry a load and get the next load in there, it takes more like 3 hours for one load to dry enough to put away.

On the other hand this whole experience is humbling in a way. I remember when Moe was a baby and it was just her and I living in our little shotgun shack in Rocky Ford, Colorado. Those were the days when we lived off less money for the entire month than I now spend on my car payment. I used to use cloth diapers on her, which meant that I was perpetually in a state of laundry doing. (Come to think of it, I still am, but I have more kids now...) I didn't even HAVE a dryer then so every load got hung outside. I got pretty good at it too, being able to hold something like 1,000 clothespins in one hand in order to get everything pinned in a systematic way.

I dunno if there's a lesson to be learned here; I suppose there should be some kind of deep moral about having come a long way from those days through a combination of hard work and perseverance, but instead it seems more like I'm just kinda spoiled now. And I probably pay too much for my car.

Thursday, May 31, 2007



I had hoped to post the next weight loss update when I broke the ever elusive 120 mark but now I am thinking that it might just not be meant to be. :( I have been stuck at 123.5 for a while and the stupid scale just REFUSES to move!! At least to move down. I fluctuate between 123.5 and 126.

WTF man.

Anyways, I do realize it is more about inches and fitness than whatever the scale says... muscle is heavier than fat.. blah blah blahty blah blah. So anyways... here are today's measurements. They are not bad by any stretch of the imagination, I just had a goal of 117 that I don't think is gonna happen.

May 31, 2007
Weight: 123.5
Bust: 32 (at least it hasn't shrunk any MORE!!)
Waist: 27
Hips: 36.5
Thigh Circumference: 20
Upper Arm circumference: 9 (it's apparently really hard to shrink these without surgery. At least they are redistributed some so it looks like muscle instead of BLOB)
Dress Size: 4

Friday, May 25, 2007

Give Snape a Chance

There is no question that Snape is a double agent but of course there is plenty of controversy regarding which side he is really batting for. I subscribe to the school of thought that Snape is really working for the Order of the Phoenix. He is very loyal to Dumbledore (which will be proven later), and killing Dumbledore was on Dumbledore’s orders. Recall the conversation Hagrid overheard between Snape and Dumbledore in the Forbidden Forest, wherein Snape complains that Dumbledore is taking too much for granted and maybe Snape just doesn’t “want to do it anymore”. Snape is in the enemy’s council so deeply that he has tough choices to make for the greater good. Think about the way undercover narcotics agents often end up with a drug habit after being in deep cover. And that’s exactly what Snape is in: deep cover, and all the dangers that come along with it.

  1. Snape makes an Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa Malfoy. There was absolutely no way he was going to get out of making this in the presence of Bellatrix and Wormtail. Bellatrix is too jealous of Snape’s closeness to Voldy – first thing she would do is run to Voldy and tattle that Snape was unwilling to help Draco kill Dumbledore.
  1. Snape is in anguish after killing Dumbledore. Harry notices it but does not interpret it correctly. Additionally, Snape screams at Harry, “DO NOT CALL ME A COWARD!!” because Snape just did the hardest thing he ever had to do.
  1. Now for probably the most pragmatic argument: Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard on the planet. Do we really think Snape or anyone would be able to just off him at any time unless Dumbledore orchestrated it that way? Voldy couldn’t kill Dumbledore in the Ministry – how the heck could Snape?

And for the argument that Snape did not really kill Dumbledore/ Dumbledore is not dead:

  1. Dumbledore mentions several times throughout the series that “there are worse things than death” and “to the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure”. Dumbledore was not afraid of death in any way, which is important to understand so we can continue to see him as the antithesis of Voldy, who fears dying above anything else.
  1. Literarily speaking, it is a necessity that Dumbledore must die. This is down in the rules of classical literature, which we know JKR studied. The hero’s mentor has to be displaced in someway, whether be through death, imprisonment or what have you. Dumbledore is the teacher, the great wizard, Harry’s Obi-Wan if you will. Harry can’t face his destiny if his mentor is still around. Harry even muses about this at Dumbledore’s funeral:

And Harry saw very clearly as he sat there in the hot sun how people who cared about him had stood in front of him one by one, his mother, his father, his godfather, and finally Dumbledore, all determined to protect him; but now that was over. He could not let anybody else stand between him and Voldemort…

Yes Dumbledore is dead, sadly. As JKR told fans at the “Harry, Carrie and Garp” event last year, we need to get our selves through the five stages of grief and move on – he is not going to “pull a Gandalf”. But Snape is not evil, nor is the explanation that Harry thinks he has about Snape’s conversion to Dumbledore’s side the whole story. This is another thing that JKR has done several times: we think we are getting an explanation but it’s not the whole thing… and we don’t learn that until later. Example: the night Harry got his scar is explained in each of the first five books. Each time we think we have learned what there is to know. We are still learning about what happened that night, and each time we get more information, we realize there is still more we don’t know. It is the same with the reason that Snape is working for good. In fact, JKR even tells us that Dumbledore struggled internally with telling Harry more than “Snape was sorry”, but of course Harry did not interpret it correctly again.

OMG I soooooo can’t wait for Deathly Hallows…..

Friday, May 18, 2007

Do Or Do Not

My yoga mat was still on the floor in the living room when Poo came home from school.

She says, "Were you doing Yoda today?"

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Oh I am so glad I did not fly off the handle this time. Which is something I usually do and then I am terribly embarrassed, not only for having created much more drama than necessary but also for showing my emotional hand.

The news I received last night (see previous post) was not as bad as first presumed. Still not rainbows and butterflies but.... marginally better. Not the major heartbreak I thought it was at first blush.

I feel better... if still taken aback by the intensity of my reaction to the news in the first place.


"...and you could have it all, my empire of dirt. I will let you down, I will make you hurt.."

- "Hurt" written by Trent Reznor

I was given a bit of information last night that really floored me. The subject of this information is not important and I'm not going to go into it here. What I want to talk about is the effect that this news had on me. I have to say that I was completely and totally shocked.. SHOCKED!!! by the way I felt upon hearing it. This was something that I knew I cared about but I was astonished to find out HOW MUCH. My heart stopped beating and turned into lead, my head started buzzing and my stomach felt like it had just been kicked.

I heard this right before bedtime and I ended up laying in bed thinking about it for the next three hours. And crying. Which I try to never ever do but do anyway. I'm not really as tough as I'd like everyone to believe. Which means I'm tired and grumpy today with puffy eyes.

This morning I am thinking about how emotional pain manifests itself in a physical way. Like when you're a kid and you have a run-in with a bully. I remember one time in junior high, I was so scared of a girl that wanted to scrap that I threw up and had to go home. (But you may be interested to hear that when we finally did fight, I broke her thumb and wrist and I emerged without a scratch. ;) But I digress.)

Today I am suffering from a stomachache much like I would have if I had really been kicked there. My head is also pounding from going around and around in circles about why I shouldn't care so much about this but do anyway. I don't know what to do with this information and I am still reeling from the way I felt about hearing it. I don't want to feel that way. I hate feeling this way, like I'm completely out of control of my feelings, especially since there is nothing that will make this feeling go away.

Normal physical pain can be dealt with - hey, there's very little that four Ibuprofens can't handle, and for the worse things, there's prescriptions drugs, right? But I can't take anything for the pain that I am feeling right now and I so don't want it here with me.

I'm thinking about removing the source of the pain completely from my life. However, the source has also brought a lot of smiles and laughter to my life as well, and if it goes, so does the possibility of more of those smiles. But I'm having a hard time right now and I am so upset that I FEEL THIS WAY. Wouldn't it be so much easier not to care? I thought I had shit under control - boy oh boy was I wrong.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

No Wonder...

I’ve come to the conclusion that men and women marry for very different and sometimes conflicting reasons.

Women are looking for intimacy, companionship and friendship. Somebody to be with, share feelings with and laugh with for the rest of their life.

Men are looking for someone they no longer need to impress.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Saturday, March 24, 2007


L: (excited) I just had to tell you that I now fit into Moe's jeans!!

D: (rude hand gesture)

L: (wryly) Thank you for your love and support.

D: Anytime, Poppet!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

There is No Such Thing

As a comfortable bra.

Nuff said.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

On A Clear Night

It's an exceptionally clear night tonight in the Mile High City, and not as cold as its been... it's about 40 degrees right now so I took this opportunity to take my Tuesday night Vodka Tonic up on the roof with my laptop to post. Being as clear as it is, I can see the stars - a sight that always makes me feel foolish for feeling as maudlin as I do because, sheesh, there is a lot more to the universe than just my little world, after all.

I can see the little dipper, its right above me and to the right. Cool. Ursa Minor, or the little bear. My little bear, my second daughter and middle child is going to be six tomorrow, which means that we have been living in this house for six years and three months. It also means I will be 33 in about six weeks time.

I look back at the time when we were moving into the house and wow, were we excited and happy and full of dreams with the prospect of a new curtain climber on the way and a new house and all the years we had ahead of us of Christmases and birthdays and puppies and more kids and years and years of laughter and good times. Not that a lot of good times haven't materialized; on the contrary - there have been friends and family and laughs and many beers and bottles of wine and vodka and whiskey and card games and the like in this house. Its just that I have lately been spending a lot of time thinking about how the only constant in life is change.

Let's talk about the Tuesday night Vodka Tonic... Tuesday nights the Warden goes to play poker at a bar down the street from the house. This is okay, except that we used to go together. It's partially my fault, though... the reason I no longer go with him is because I've lately been attending a happy hour on Thursdays with some people from work. And that has been a lot of fun for me because I spend so much time at the house, working or not that it's really something to look forward to - talking with other grownups, and after all, I can talk to the Warden any old time.

I don't know what my problem is. I am never happy unless there is a TON of excitement going on in my life. For a while that excitement consisted of the kids, but let's face it, I AM NOT SUZY HOMEMAKER. Not that I'm not crazy about my kids, on the contrary. They are totally a laugh a minute and sometimes I am just in awe about how these funny people came from me. They are also so very smart that it takes my breath away. And let's not even get into how good looking they are!

It's just that I have been doing a lot of trying to decide what it is that I've actually accomplished.. and I don't really know what it is. I still haven't finished my degree, I have a job that leaves me doing nothing for stretches at a time and I suffer from mild clinical depression as well as migraines and just plain old "blahs". I don't say that lightly... I really have been diagnosed as clinically depressed but the medicines that they hand out for such things have caused me problems on some level or another so that so far they have been more trouble and expense than they are really worth. I do have a handful of really really good friends that I can talk to, and that is SUCH a help, you don't even know.

Anyway the real questions I have are with LOVE... I mean, really, what is love?

Everyone needs to be loved whether they recognize that need or not. People need each other, regardless if its romantic or platonic love, hetero or homo. Joni Mitchell says, "love is touching souls". Which means to me that most relationships can be defined as love. Think about it... your best friend surely touches your soul, right? Your boss (if they're a good one, don't argue petty points when I'm trying to be deep) touches your soul as well... as do any friends, family, acquaintances you hold in high regard, etc. do... So if we follow this argument, that means that people that mean anything to you are loved by you. So we love a lot more than we think.

I don't believe you end up with your soul mate. Well, not necessarily. Some people do, and they are quite lucky if you ask me. I know I could never end up with my soul mate because I already met my soul mate and I didn't "end up" with him. In fact, I know if we were together we would be terribly unhappy because we are too much alike. Yet he is the one that can read my mind and know what is going on inside, sometimes - many times - better than I can interpret myself. And vice versa. And we go for months, once two whole years before we speak to each other again and yet we still know whats going on inside, even if we aren't up to date with the outside happenings.

Anyway, I have some things going on with me and love right now. I am very jealous of couples that seem to be in love all the time... what is the secret? Is there a secret? Or are they just having lots and lots of sex? I'm jealous of that too.

I crave the escape of the Vodka Tonic but unfortunately tonight it is just making me feel sleepy and dull-witted. I leave you with this:

A Case of You
by Joni Mitchell

Just before our love got lost you said
I am as constant as a northern star
And I said, constant in the darkness
Wheres that at?
If you want me Ill be in the bar

On the back of a cartoon coaster
In the blue tv screen light
I drew a map of canada
Oh canada
And your face sketched on it twice

Oh you are in my blood like holy wine
Oh and you taste so bitter but you taste so sweet
Oh I could drink a case of you
I could drink a case of you darling
And I would still be on my feet
Oh Id still be on my feet

Oh I am a lonely painter
I live in a box of paints
Im frightened by the devil
And Im drawn to those ones that aint afraid
I remember that time that you told me, you said
Love is touching souls
Surely you touched mine
Cause part of you pours out of me
In these lines from time to time

Oh you are in my blood like holy wine
And you taste so bitter but you taste so sweet
Oh I could drink a case of you
I could drink a case of you darling
Still Id be on my feet
And still be on my feet

I met a woman
She had a mouth like yours
She knew your life
She knew your devils and your deeds
And she said
Color go to him, stay with him if you can
Oh but be prepared to bleed
Oh but you are in my blood youre my holy wine
Oh and you taste so bitter, bitter and so sweet
Oh I could drink a case of you darling
Still Id be on my feet
Id still be on my feet

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Now With Pics Goodness

Nag, nag, nag..



Monday, February 19, 2007

15 lbs later...

Most of you know that I've recently been working on getting back in shape and some of you have been inquiring about my progress, which I've been a little reticent about sharing, mostly because I am not really sure about the actual progress and I would hate to actually measure it and then realize that I'm not as far along as I would like, thus getting discouraged and finding myself at the bottom of a pint of Chunky Monkey.

However, one of you in particular (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) has not stopped bugging me about it and so I have decided to start chronicling the progress in the hopes that not only will I know how I'm really doing but also maybe encourage some of my mommy friends to do this as well. Because, even though I am not a size 0 again, I still am feeling much better and all of the clothes I own do fit MUCH better. Also I want everyone to know that if I (the reigning Snickers Eating Champ) can do it, ANYONE CAN DO IT.

I officially started working out every day on October 26, 2006. Before then my weight had somewhat leveled off, which was kind of nice after steadily gaining for the last five years of childbearing, but there was no denying that I was overweight. At 5'4", the 147 lbs. I was sitting at was really too big and my knees (one of which is tricky from a somewhat athletic HS career) were starting to feel the strain. Not to mention that I just didn't have the energy to chase around and wrestle with my very energetic children. And that most of my clothes were uncomfortable or unflattering and I'm very vain and didn't like that.

Here we come to a big part of starting any self-improvement program: MOTIVATION. Most people I know that are carrying a few extra pounds (most of my mommy friends) WANT to be thinner, but they almost refuse to do anything about it. There's the regular excuses: time, energy, opportunity, etc. but I really think that if you are motivated enough, these excuses GO AWAY. My motivation was a combination of factors, but there were two major things that happened that really made it hit home. The first event was a girl's night out with three cousins, all of which are total hotties (we have a very fabulous gene pool, what can I say?) and as we were getting flirted with by the various drunkards at the bar, it suddenly hit me that I AM THE DESIGNATED FAT CHICK FOR THIS GROUP OF GIRLS. Ouch. I've never been the fat friend... in fact I like to think that back in the day I was quite an attention getter.

So that was quite ego-bruising and I'll tell ya that my ego doesn't recover very easily. The second thing that happened is that my husband and I were at a concert (nobody you've heard of) and the lead singer for the band was about my height but pretty chunky. I asked (like wives do) if I was skinnier than her (thinking that the answer was, of course, yes) and my husband, having had a few, actually told me the truth and said NO. Ouch again.

There are a couple other very personal reasons for getting started down the weight loss road, not the least of which is how one looks without clothes on - but I think that these two illustrate how I was starting to feel like I was turning into a middle aged overweight nobody WAYYYY before my time.

Anyway, that's what got me started, and after I started seeing real results (it really only took three weeks for waistbands to start being less tight) it really became easier and easier to keep it up. So this is the progress so far:

October 2006
(The only reason I know these measurements is because of how much online shopping I do)
Weight: 147
Bust: 36
Waist: 33
Hips: 42
Thigh Circumference: 25
Upper Arm circumference: 12
Dress Size: 10/12

February 19, 2007
Weight: 132
Bust: 32 (the only bad part!!)
Waist: 28
Hips: 38
Thigh Circumference: 22
Upper Arm circumference: 9
Dress Size: 8

I was going to put some pictures up here but they are not as dramatic as I'd like so maybe in another 15 lbs... Stay tuned because I'll continue to post progress in this space.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Friday, January 05, 2007


Mom: Deboo, how did you get here from your planet?

Deboo: I'm not here yet.
Poo: But he didn't come from another planet, he came from your belly! How did he get in your belly?

Moe: When two people love each other very much they get together and buy a baby on the Internet.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Lisa's 2007 Resolutions

I haven't made any new years resolutions for... oh, twenty years or so. Not that I don't really think self-improvement is a good idea, its just that when I want to make a change I never see the point in waiting until the new year; I usually just start right away.

However, in the spirit of the season I've decided to put together a few things.
So for 2007, I resolve to:
  1. Spend more time with my dog. He's the only one that consistently eats my cooking, comes when called, leaves when asked, and thinks I'm wonderful even without makeup. You can't buy love like that.

  2. Cook more. Now, #1 might lead you to believe that I'm not that great of a cook, and you'd be right! But eating out is expensive, and you never really know what kind of add-ins they put in your food. This leads me into the next one...

  3. Be well. I've lost twelve pounds in the last three months, and it would be easy to say that one of my resolutions would be to lose ten more pounds. But as a former athlete, I know that it is inches and body mass index that matter, not poundage. Especially since muscle weighs more than fat, pound for pound. So my resolution is to 1) keep up the rather stringent exercise program I've already implemented; 2) exercise portion control; and 3) get myself back to "hot babe-ness". I've also switched to hard liquor and laid off the beer... you know, in the interest of calorie control.

  4. Spend more time with my dog. He's good for my ego.

  5. Think up something for 2008. Since I will be officially perfect after the success of the above four resolutions, I will have to put some serious work into coming up with something for next year. ;)