Wednesday, June 20, 2007

No, but really... it's all relative

My boss suffers from Plantar Fasciitis, which if you don't know is essentially pain in the arch of your foot due mostly to your weight distributing itself unevenly along your foot when you walk and your arch muscles being not quite up to the task. It's actually very common, my mom and two of my aunts have the same thing.

Anyway, he wears orthotics inside his shoes to keep his feet from hurting. He has one pair of shoes that squeak like a mouse with the orthotics inside, something that of course I must tease him about. He's a good 9 years older than me so age jokes are my favorite.

Yeah well age is relative, you know. About 20 minutes after I made fun of him, calling him an old man with his squeaky "orthodontic" shoes (another one of my favorite pastimes; using the wrong word to be silly - GEEK) he walks by my office again while I'm listening to my iPod. He comes around the desk and touches the wheel to see what I am listening to, and Lo! And Behold! totally busts me listening to Joni Mitchell.

S: :| You're listening to Joni Mitchell.
L: :| Yes I are.
S: I thought you'd be listening to Kid Rock or something like that...
L: Hey, actually I really lo-
S: No. No. I do not want to hear it. You have no room to talk. You're not that cool.
L: (shot down) Okay, no I guess I really have no room at all.

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