Saturday, December 16, 2006

Another Day, Another... Hey Wait, I Don't Get Paid for This!

Saturday morning...

The kitty pulls an entire branch off the Christmas tree and chases the pretty glass ball across the room

Puppy whines to go outside

the strains of Disney lyrics waft across the surround sound speakers

"Life is much better, down where it's wetter..."

I cut my foot on an identified piece of toy as I try to navigate across the living room

The three year old is openly weeping about having to eat all the cereal he poured in his bowl

I think I hear a draft sneaking in and after checking and rechecking the windows three times, realize the five year old is singing something under her breath

"..a whole new world..."

The dad is still asleep as we have newly designed this co-op agreement in which we take turns sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday

The biggest is still asleep because she just went to bed about three hours ago

I hurt my foot again as I twist my knee trying to switch the soundtrack

"The circle of life..."

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